
Sundered Isles - Expansion for Ironsworn: Starforged

Created by Tomkin Press

Explore a world of seafaring adventure in this official expansion for Ironsworn: Starforged. Plus the Starforged second printing! Sundered Isles and Starforged PDFs are delivered with your order. Print products ship later this year.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Setting sail! Last call for address updates.
4 days ago – Tue, Sep 03, 2024 at 11:20:52 AM

Hello, Ironsworn!

Happy to report that I've booked ocean freight for Sundered Isles and the Starforged reprints to the various fulfillment hubs. Cargo is prepped and loaded, and the ships are currently en route or will be en route later this week.

The Voyage Begins! Årt by Joshua Meehan.

When Does Shipping Begin?

Good question! Ocean transit is several weeks, and we need to account for processing time at port and the warehouse. So, we are presently looking at mid-to-late October or early November shipping for most backers. Folks in Australia and New Zealand might receive their parcels a bit earlier — later this month. 

In short, barring any unforeseen delays (which is certainly possible!), fulfillment should be wrapped on or slightly ahead of schedule. I'll have more specific details for the various hubs next month once all ships have reached port.

Need to Update Your Address?

I will be locking backer addresses and delivering backer data to the fulfillment hubs on September 13th. If you have moved since submitting your pledge survey, please visit the pledge manager to update your shipping details. You can go to and submit your email address to get a link to your pledge summary. From there, click on the "Edit Your Address" button.

48 hours before the lockdown, you will also receive an email reminder from BackerKit.

What If Your Address Is Changing Soon?

Have an upcoming address change, and you aren't sure of the timing? Please keep me informed by sending an email to [email protected]. I'll do everything I can to ensure your rewards are routed correctly. If necessary, I can hold your parcel until your settled.

See You Next Time

Since we have an early update this month, you might hear from me again later in September if I have anything to report. Otherwise, I'll check in around the beginning of October to let you know how things are proceeding.

Keep your fingers crossed for uneventful voyages, and thank you for your ongoing patience and support.

Production and Delivery Update - ETA November
18 days ago – Tue, Aug 20, 2024 at 11:46:20 AM

Hello, Ironsworn!

Production of the Sundered Isles and Starforged physical rewards is complete. The printer ran behind by a couple of weeks, but everything is now printed and getting prepped for transfer to the various fulfillment warehouses.

Just today, I received my advance copies of the Sundered Isles guidebooks. Everything looks great. After years of work, it's a bit surreal to finally see these books and cards in print.

Pledge Manager Status

Pledges are locked and the preorder store is closed. However — contrary to my last update — I have not yet locked down your addresses. If you have moved since submitting your pledge survey, please visit the pledge manager to update your shipping details. You can visit and submit your email address to get a link to your pledge summary. From there, click on the "Edit Your Address" button.

I expect to lock your addresses sometime in late September or early October. I'll give you advance notice within a couple of weeks of pulling that switch.


I am presently booking sea freight to the three fulfillment hubs: UK, United States, and Australia. Once the cargo hits the water, I'll have a better sense of timing for ultimate delivery to your doorstep. For now, we are still on track for November.

See You Next Month

Next month, I hope to have a more definite timeline for delivery. For now, check out the early look at the finished products below. Thank you, as always, for your continued support and patience. 

Pledge Manager: One Week Left
about 2 months ago – Wed, Jul 24, 2024 at 08:41:11 AM

Hello, Ironsworn!

On July 31 (one week from today), I will be locking down the pledge manager and preorder store. If you haven't yet finalized your pledge and submitted your shipping info, please do so. If you don't have your pledge manager invite, or aren't sure if you completed the pledge manager survey, visit this page and enter your email address to receive a new link:

Changing Address?

If you changed addresses since submitting your pledge survey, please access the pledge manager to update your shipping details before July 31. You can visit and submit your email address to get a link to your pledge summary. From there, click on the "Edit Your Address" button.

If you move after July 31, email [email protected] with the details once you are settled. I will manually process change of address requests until shipping begins, and I'll provide some advance warning when we reach that deadline.

Fulfillment Schedule

I have nothing new to share on the delivery schedule, as of yet. The Sundered Isles Digital Edition and Starforged digital rewards are fully complete and delivered via the pledge manager and complimentary DriveThruRPG downloads. A small number of backers who backed just the Starforged deluxe edition rulebook have already received that reward via my partners at Modiphius.

For the rest, the books and cards are in production. Once everything is printed (another week or two), I'll be working with my fulfillment partners to move everything to the hubs (UK/EU, Asia, Australia, and US). This process takes time and depends on the whims of sea freight, so please bear with me! Once things hit their various shores, I'll have a better sense of when last-mile shipping will begin. For the moment, I am continuing to put a pin in November — hoping for sooner, but I am always wary of potential delays.

Until Next Time...

That's it for now! I'll check in next month once I have physical proofs of the Sundered Isles guidebooks in hand. I very much appreciate your support and patience through this rather unexciting phase.

If you'd like to stay up-to-date with everything Ironsworn and chat with other Ironsworn fans, please join our friendly Discord community.

Production Update + Pledge Manager Deadline
about 2 months ago – Wed, Jul 10, 2024 at 11:21:08 AM

Hello, Ironsworn!

Sundered Isles and the Starforged reprint are in production. Shown below are the final loose proofs for the Sundered Isles guidebooks. These untrimmed, unbound sheets allow me to check everything for print issues before they go into full production. 

Luckily, everything turned out great, and the presses will soon be rolling. We are on target to complete the production of all books and cards by the end of the month, after which I'll coordinate sea freight to the various hubs. Once that is literally and figuratively underway, I'll have a better sense of the timeline for shipping to your doorstep. Stay tuned!

One minor outlier in this plan is backers who pledged under the Starforged Core tier (the Starforged rulebook only). That reward is already shipping via my partners at Modiphius. Enjoy!

Pledge Manager Closes on July 31

My current target for closing the pledge manager is at the end of the month, July 31. If you haven't yet locked in your pledge, please do so. If you don't have your pledge manager invite, or aren't sure if you completed the pledge manager survey, visit this page and enter your email address to receive a new link: July 31 is also the end of preorders for Sundered Isles and the Starforged reprint, so tell your friends!

If you are changing addresses, you can update your shipping info via the pledge manager until July 31. Afterward, please email [email protected] with your new address. I will do everything I can to accommodate changes of address until your rewards are shipped later this year.

I'll be back later this month with another pledge manager reminder and production update. Until then, have a great July!

Production Update
2 months ago – Tue, Jun 25, 2024 at 11:42:41 AM

Hello, Ironsworn!

Here's the state of production and fulfillment.

  • The Sundered Isles Digital Edition has seen several more updates this month. You can always grab the latest in your DriveThruRPG library. I will upload another very minor update this coming weekend.
  • I completed my work assembling the files for the two physical Guidebooks, which required some slight rejiggering of content, new page references, and other fiddly hijinks. Overall, I continue to be happy with the split into two books. I think it worked out quite nicely!
  • The files for the Sundered Isles guidebooks, Sundered Isles asset deck, and reprints for the Starforged reference guide and asset deck are with the printer. I've been working through some feedback cycles with them to ensure everything is print-ready.
  • The printer is targeting the first week of August to wrap up production. At that point, we'll transport everything via container ships to the various worldwide hubs. I would estimate that puts us on track for November delivery—perhaps a bit earlier if the winds are fair.
  • The Starforged rulebook was reprinted at a different printer a few months ago, and has arrived at the UK and US fulfillment centers. Therefore, I'll be shipping out a small number of Starforged Core pledges in the coming week.
  • 98% of backers have completed their pledge manager survey. Thank you! If you haven't done so, please visit the pledge manager at your earliest convenience. If you don't have the link, or aren't sure if you completed the survey, visit this page and enter your email address to receive a new link:
  • The pledge manager will remain open through July, and I will not lock down mailing addresses until shortly before we start shipping. If you have an upcoming move, there is plenty of time to get it sorted.
  • We are working to get Sundered Isles content into our official data repository, which will enable developers to add the new assets, oracles, and more to their Starforged digital apps. You can explore available apps from the Ironsworn resources page, or visit the Ironsworn Discord; we have dedicated discussion channels for the most popular apps.

This is not a particularly exciting update, but sometimes a lack of excitement is good news! Everything is generally progressing as it should, and I'm looking forward to delivering your physical rewards as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience and support!